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Tips on Avoiding Stress

Tips on Avoiding Stress and Depression
- Do not get mad at yourself
- Be organized and prepared
- Make time for fun
- Make time for relaxing
- Exercise
- Eat healthy foods
- Stay positive
- Go to sleep at a regular time
- Plan your time ahead
- Be around people who make you feel happy
- Be around people who you can talk to about your feelings
- Stay away from people or situations that make you feel stressed
Tips on Managing Depression
- Exercise/Yoga/Meditation
- Eat healthy
- Relax
- Use support systems (friends, family, advisors, counselors)
- Medication
- Counseling/Therapy
- Be social (go out and do fun things with your friends)
- Don’t use drugs and alcohol they will make you feel worse
- Get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors
- Try to think about the good things in your life
Tips on Dealing with Homesickness
- Stay busy
- Meet new people/ Make new friends
- Set goals to meet while you are in Canada
- Join clubs to meet people
- Balance time spent talking with family and friends at home with time spent talking with people in Canada
- Do not spend all of your time in your bedroom or the computer lab
- Try the open door policy (Leave your door to your room open sometimes to let people know that you are there to talk)
- Be confident in yourself
- Stay positive and open to new things
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